Labradoodles at their new homes!

Welcome to Kamga Labs and Labradoodles Puppies' New Homes Labradoodles at their new homes! Contact Us

Trish,  Just thought I would update you and send a few pictures of our labradoodle – Summer.  She is about 5 months now and getting prettier everyday...  She is such a smart dog and very, very sweet natured.  Thank you so much for such a wonderful addition to our family!  Sincerely, Valerie

A labradoodle puppy named Summer and her proud new owner!

Mrs. Hackett,  Back in June my boyfriend and I purchased one of your puppies from the April 19Th, 2008 litter. We wanted to thank you guys and let you know that she is an amazing dog and a great companion.

Hi Trish - Just wanted to let you know how wonderful Jazzy has been.  She is so sweet and has adjusted to her new home without a hitch.  (She never even cried at night!)  I have attached a couple of pictures - but she is hard to catch sitting still.  Hope most of your pups have found their new homes.
Thanks again we love our new pup!!

I just wanted to let you know that Ziggy is doing awesome. He is a wonderful dog!! He is great with our kids and they love him very much. He gets in the pool with the kids and will play fetch forever. He has a great personality and is really smart. I can’t believe how calm and laid back he is as a puppy. Well, we just wanted to let you know that he is doing well and loved.

Hey...  sorry I have not sent you pictures sooner.  Just wanted to let you know that Oliver has been a total joy!  He has adapted to his new family very well.  He now has a sister Chihuahua, and two sister kittens.  Hope you enjoy the pics!
Centreville, MD

Hey, its Brittany and Chris. We bought your last black labradoodle. Just wanted to let you know that she is doing great and loves her brother! She is growing like crazy and eats like a horse =)